Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Get me through winter!

Weekly What's Up!

This week: Get Me Through Winter!

You know what my favorite thing about winter is?
When it's over.

I can't run fast enough because of the snow, I'm too cold, and I'm 10 pounds heavier.
Sure it's a lot of complaining and a lot of truth, why do you think people train in summary warm places all year long...

At first I'm like, 'YAY SNOW, let's go roll around in it and post Instagram photos', but after 2 months, I'm like, 'seriously, where is the ground hog?!'

If you are in the middle of training crisis, like myself, here are some ways we can stay motivated together.


(I wish+ pie)

     I know that after New Years we make a plan to get back in shape and eat healthy, well now is the lull period where we realized that once again we have failed our New Years Resolutions. Well, let's restart today. There is not a day where you can't dust it off and try again. Make a new goal, think about why the last one failed and what you can do differently. I wanted to be more specific that just GOALS. SMART goals are a way to attain goals by being specific, measuring, attainable, relevant, and timely. Try it!

2. Sign up for races around your community OR in another part of the country (the warm part)

    I love signing up for the Pikes Peak Running Winter Series in Colorado Springs. It gives me a goal to train for. I get to run on new trails. I get to run with people around me. It helps get me in shape and excited for the racing season. It gives me a chance to check my progress every year. Also, some people make teams with shirts, like breweries and restaurants, that way win or lose, muddy or dry, you can go have a cold one with your friends and teammates.



3. Buy new COLD WEATHER gear

    There is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing. Every body loves buying new outfits. Go buy QUALITY gloves, jacket, socks, shoes , etc. you do not want to skimp on this. If you get cotton it will get wet and you will get cold and it will be miserable. This is the time to splurge and get yourself some new outfits. I've always been cheap... and living in Colorado has made me realize how nice it is to have quality clothing. Also, if you have new clothing you will want to wear them ASAP and it will get you outside. I LOVE running in a new pair of Brooks shoes or new jacket. I feel so flashy.


4. Explore new trails (NOUGH SAID) 

5. Start a gym routine

     I love the treadmill. I will run on the treadmill in the middle of summer. It's just mind numbing for me. It allows me to have a pace, setting, my I-pod, and there is no thinking. BUT I know that not everyone finds it as attractive as I do, so if you really don't like the dreadmill, Join a gym! I suggest a gym that is open 24 hours so it won't give you an excuse to say it's ever closed. Start a new gym routine, with strength training, core. maybe yoga. Start making it a priority in the pre-season. It's a good community to be a part and you can find lifting mates to keep you honest. Strength training is key during the winter months to check muscle imbalances and strength that you can get when you are racing all the time.

6. Listen to something new

    Start a new podcast, start a new TV series. I LOVE watching movies this time of year, I have a habit of watching the movies that are nominated for Academy Awards, so when the Golden Globes and Oscars come on, I can partake in the conversation and throw popcorn at the TV and yell at it saying, "NO! Leo Should've WON!"
But for those who aren't as movie savvy, check out books on tape, podcasts, anything to keep your mind preoccupied.


7. Try a new activity

    Cross training for a triathlete is laughed at. I mean, all three of our sports are 'cross-training' activities. THINK OUT SIDE THE BOX. Think of sports you've never done, skiing, snowboarding, cross-county skiing, ice skating, hockey, curling, try these winter sports that we don't necessarily have all year. Play basketball or squash or mountain bike, just get your heart rate up and get your body to use muscles it doesn't usually use. Have fun!


     Find your support system! This is HUGE. Probably my favorite. Your friends, teammates, coaches, feel the ripple effect of your mood. If you are a negative nancy, they can catch it too. Stay positive. Call a friend to talk, or a teammate who is going through the same unmotivating times. Talk to your coach about how you are feeling down in the dumps. Get them to kick your butt into gear. I know I've needed a lot of Support from Justin Trolle' (my coach) I've told him I can no longer do bikes alone because I know I won't hit my wattage and it will turn into an easy ride playing Candy Crush. I recognized it was happening more than once so I had to do something about it. Now we always meet for hard workouts. Don't be afraid to share your emotions, we all have them as athletes, we are not robots.

10. Just MOVE
     These are for the days where you DO NOT want to get out of bed. I love my bed, I could live in my bed forever if Logan would let me. Some days you just don't feel like doing anything, scratch the training plan, get out of bed, and go for a walk. Walk to a coffee shop, or around the block, or around a grocery store. Just get outside and breathe the fresh air.

     I know when I don't want to do anything my go to spot is swimming. Every one has there favorite sport, some love the bike or just running. I can just go to the pool and just swim a 1000m, no pressure no sets, just swimming. The first eye opening experience is putting on my swim suit, it doesn't fit in any of the right places, looking at myself in the mirror alone motivates me to get my summer bod back. But there is also an advantage to this weight gain, it's called buoyancy. LOL. I have my fastest swim times in my base phase training. Anyway, no matter how bad of a mood I am in, whenever I'm done swimming, it puts me in a better mood. You have to look at the glass half empty. Swimming is always somewhere I can always find my relief and motivation, so now what's yours?

Make Goals, make friends, and make it through winter!


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